Swimming 110 miles from Cuba to Key West, FL sounds hard enough within itself, even for a young-gun athlete. Add in the danger of sharks, dehydration, and the solitary nature of swimming in a vast ocean and the task becomes even more daunting.
This, however, did not phase Diana Nyad (64), who after 4 previous attempts has accomplished her goal of completing the swim without protective caging. She began on Saturday in the waters outside of Havana, Cuba and ended her journey two days later in Key West, Fl. Diana is the first person to complete the swim unaided by a protective shark cage, making the accomplishment that much more impressive.
Diana is quoted by the New York Times as having said along the beach shortly after the swim, "I have three messages. One is we should never, ever give up. Two is you
never are too old to chase your dreams. Three is it looks like a
solitary sport, but it takes a team."
A big congratulations to Diana and all involved in the accomplishment. It is not often that one learns of a 64 year old who is doing the kind of activities that Diana is, and she is a true inspiration.
For more about the swim click
From the entire team at
Honda of Gainesville, congratulations to Diana on her accomplishments!